Privacy & Security

Privacy statement

Our privacy policy could not be simpler. We do not sell, rent out or distribute our customer list to anyone else for any reason. Any personal information you supply to us is used solely for the purpose of processing your order or to notify you of products, services or specials offerred by MalestromOnline that we feel might be of interest to you. We respect your privacy and we will make every effort to ensure that it remains as such. We recently updated our Privacy Policy to clarify our practices related to certain California requirements.


Order Security

Your security is one of our primary concerns. We, therefore, make every possible effort to ensure this. Our website utilizes the latest SSL encryption technology to ensure that your personal information cannot be intercepted by a third party. We also do not store your credit card information online at any time. You can have full confidence that you are completely protected when ordering from MalestromOnline.

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